Strike while the Iron is Hot

Johan Yusof
3 min readFeb 17, 2021
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

There are times when an opportunity is presented to us and we continue to question and ponder whether or not it would be a good idea to seize that opportunity or instead let it pass by without doing anything to give it a shot.

Recently, I had a chat with a friend who told me about how a mutual friend of ours has decided to start streaming on Twitch from next month onwards and this friend of ours is a well-known musician in a community we’re a part of while also being an avid gamer and cosplayer.

During a time when COVID had stripped most of us of our gigs as stage performers, we were left with no physical stage to perform on, rendering us powerless to do what we love to do: Entertaining the crowd and putting on a great show. Thankfully, I was able to fall back onto Twitch Sings and Just Dance streams on my channel while also dabbling in acting for No Small Part on their channel.

Our friend however was going through a rough time when COVID struck and despite having a vast amount of useful contacts (a good number of them being streamers themselves), she either refused to seek out advice or ignored them and went along doing her own thing.

Music has been a pretty niche, yet growing category on Twitch over the past few years, but it wasn’t until last year when COVID hit that Twitch decided to put more emphasis on growing the category while providing struggling musicians with a platform for them to perform in front of an audience, albeit virtually. Since then, it has become a very oversaturated category with plenty of musicians streaming on Twitch and showcasing their talents to the world. While I’m happy that my friend has chosen to take this next step in her career as a musician and content creator, I personally felt that she should have started last year and grow from there.

Looking back at it, this was something I regretted too. I was more of a console master race kind of guy and didn’t think much about streaming until a few years ago and had I actually got started with a PC of my own say about 5–6 years ago, perhaps I would have already had everything going for me in terms of followers, viewership and heck, even Partnership on Twitch! Regardless, I’m enjoying my journey thus far and I hope my friend would enjoy her journey too once she starts streaming on Twitch.

The one thing I’d love for you guys to take away from this is to strike while the iron is hot. We tend to take things for granted not knowing what it would possibly bring us and by the time we finally learn to appreciate it, we are left facing an uphill battle to climb. Therefore, when you see an opportunity, go right for it and give it a shot. If it doesn’t work out, seek out other opportunities and continue trying until you find one that works best for you.

Next time around, I’ll be writing about oversaturated categories and why it might be best to avoid them while growing your channel.



Johan Yusof

They call me the Handsome Voice! Twitch Affiliate, Singer, Just Dancer, Emcee, Writer, Podcaster